Hi, I'm Stefan.

I connect the worlds of competitive gaming and software engineering. Harnessing deep esports expertise to create practical tools that serve gaming communities. These include everything from high-performance tactical analysis tools to community-driven solutions that thousands of players use daily. My expertise in building performant applications, data visualization systems, and automation tools translates to solving complex problems in any technical domain.

Development Portfolio

Discord bot for Overwatch replaycode extraction, image to text. Python OpenCV Tesseract-OCR DiscordAPI Pandas Numpy
  • Used by over 100 teams!
  • Developed a method to automatically parse specific alphanumeric characters out of a given image using OCR tools.
  • Used OpenCV to template match and pre-process images before getting results from Tesseract-OCR.
  • Created a test harness to track image processing improvements, achieving a 94% result accuracy.
  • Made a user input, results based logging system to monitor bot performance in real time and collect edge cases to be fixed.
  • Learned how to separate production and development environments using environment and other configuration files.
3D Ancient Earth Globe Javascript Three.js HTML CSS C Python Bun Elysia Docker
  • Developed a custom binary file to efficiently transport and then parse latitude, longitude and elevation data across http.
  • Learned how to generate real time 3D graphics in the browser.
  • Compiled data into image textures hosted on server for faster rendering.
  • Added, Country Borders, Tectonic Plate lines as optional layers.
Website hosting various tools and resources for the game Deadlock. The tactical map is used by content creators, pro players and coaches. Javascript HTML CSS Go Templ Docker
  • Created Souls/Time Graphs to compare soul scaling between different resources.
  • Tactical map, vanilla JS, Canvas API, layers.
  • Go backend with HTML templates to elevate the simple vanilla web stack.
A web extension that provides a simple fix to the core functionality of a pokemon team sharing tool used by thousands of people daily. The newest pokemon images continue to be missing from their server, this utility patches that issue up. Javascript
  • Hundreds of users across multiple browsers!
  • Learned how to manipulate the DOM via content scripts.
  • Maintained software as new updates to the base game came out.
  • Distributed the software to dozens of users via the Chrome and Firefox extension stores.
  • Developed a static image webserver to serve the replacement images.
Web App for automated Pokemon damage calculation. A tool that seeks to streamline and improve a process done by thousands of competitive players. Docker Bun Elysia Typescript HTML CSS
  • Built a webapp to automate and help with the teambuilding process for competitive Pokemon players.
  • Learned how to self host and deploy a fully containerized webapp from home using docker on my own server.
  • Built the front-end from pure HTML, CSS and Javascript.
  • Implemented server side rendering for results, returning HTML as POST response.
  • Interfaced with the @smogon/calc API to make all the calculations based on user input.
A simple neural network built from scratch. Python Numpy Matplotlib
  • Adjusted different hyperparameters (activation functions, layer size, layer number)
  • Used matplotlib to create graphs, plotting accuracy and mean squared error for each epoch.
Chess game for human and AI players. Python Pygame Numpy
  • Built all components of a standard chess game for a human player.
  • Implemented Negamax with Alpha Beta Pruning for search tree.
  • Added Zobrist Hashing for Transposition Tables to reduce computational load.